
Trail creation along the Western Edge

TRAILS: 3 hours: 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Opened new trail along the western boundary from RMZ unit #3 into South Side unit #4.

Trail creation on the south side of Clearwater Creek, along the western boundary from the tidewater bank, south up the gentle grade to the road at the SW corner. The first half of the trail was through mature remnant forest, culminating in a mini-knoll dominated by two old-growth spruces and a few large hemlocks. The second half was through a brushy area, following a very roughed-out road grade in a SW arc along a row of trees to the east.  The brushy area was over-stocked with very young alder (less than 5 years old), in tight patches with seedlings and saplings inches apart. This trail for the most part follows an elk path up a natural ridge, avoiding wet, seepy spots on both sides. It appears that the east side would be a running freshet during high rain events.

Written by john. Posted in Blogs, Clearwater Creek blog