Archive for November 21, 2013


Trail creation up Middle Ridge on the South Side

TRAILS: 3 hours: 2:45 PM to 5:45 PM

Completed Middle Ridge trail up to skid road system in South Side unit #4.

Trail establishment in south side Unit #4: Completed the central ridge trail from the remnant grove up to the road system at the second junction. Very tough and thick area with multi-layered piles of blow-down and logging slash, and some larger trees to cut through. Ended up with a wide, nicely-graded path that will likely end up as a skid road in the near future. Also cut up more logs and tree tops on the road between the road junctions, but ran out of light and had to leave the cut-up chunks to toss later.



Storm damage cleanup on Middle Ridge

FORESTRY: 0.5 hours: 2:15 PM to 2:45 PM

Storm damage cleanup on Middle Ridge in South Side unit #4.

Forestry in south side Unit #4: Cut down and cut up hanging blow-downs and logging slash in the middle of the central ridge, just below the second road junction. Worked the west side of the ridge, connecting to the already cleaned-up section in the un-harvested stand to the south.








BEFORE and AFTER: Tower-logging landing in action and 6 years later.

Vigorous natural alder regeneration in the formerly bare, scarred log deck at the top of the North Side,.

The left photo was taken on 2/15/2008,  the right photo on 11/21/2013.